2023 մայիս 9-12-րդ դասարաններ

I.  How would you handle these situations?(3-5sentences)

What would you do if you won one million dollars?

I would give half of the money to my parents or take them finally to a health check, knowing full well that I already have money for any treatment. And the rest would be spent on achieving my life plans or goals.
How would you react if your close friend betrayed you?
Honestly, I have already gone through this and the answer will be through the experience. I was very hurt by this and it left me with a huge trauma. After this, I now have a huge distrust and lack of faith in close friendship.

What would you change in the educational system if you were appointed Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of RA.?

I would change the presentation of information in textbooks, since information is often incomprehensible to students, even to their parents. Sometimes only a professional in this field can explain what is there and then without looking at the textbooks. Another – mode of study is not suitable for everyone, especially for those who start working at an early age, it would be good to add a flexible schedule with an online connection to the lessons.
I would add psychologists to all schools.
There is also a problem in general education, since now many people prepare for exams for years and after that they cannot even pass them. The level of what we are taught and what is required is completely different.

What would you do if you saw someone being bullied because of her/his religion?

It is incomprehensible to me that people are being bullied because of this. At first, I would try to somehow solve this problem myself by helping the victim and would insist that the victim not give others such an attitude towards herself. If the situation has not improved after all this, then I would have already insisted that the director resolve this issue.

II. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

An amazing thing happened as ….
I woke up in a good mood
I’ve already finished reading the book I started last week, so
 I can safely start reading what you suggested.
Something funny happened to me while …
This woman only thinks about herself and she always gets her own way, in other words she ….
I really felt proud when I
III. Should artificial intelligence programs be used at schools for educational purposes?
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